The Playmaker: The Story of Paul Green

This documentary takes a deep dive into the life, creative work and social justice advocacy of the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paul Green. A native son of North Carolina and a champion for racial equality, Green went to Broadway and back with a dream that someday he could write a new ending for the Old South.

Watch the documentary here.

The 5000th Performance of The Lost Colony

July 27th, 2024 Marks the 5000th Performance of the Historic Drama

The Roanoke Island Historical Association (RIHA) is proud to celebrate the 5000th performance of The Lost Colony production on July 27th, 2024.

This milestone performance will include a special presentation from 87 years of the production, put together by Projection Designer Christopher Ash and Sound Designer Ashton Corey. In addition, all The Lost Colony alumni in attendance will receive a “Keeper of The Dream” Medallions in honor of their contribution to the outdoor drama. 

The original script was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paul Green and The Lost Colony made its debut on July 4th, 1937. Originally intended for one season, the drama was produced again the following year and has become the longest-running outdoor symphonic drama in the United States. During the 87 years, only five seasons have been canceled: 4 seasons due to WWII and the 2020 season was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The production received a special Honors for Excellence in Theatre Tony Award in 2013 and has become an Outer Banks and North Carolina tradition.  Since opening, more than four million The Lost Colony attendees have visited  Waterside Theatre, located within Fort Raleigh National Park, on Roanoke Island, NC.

“5000 performances of a single production don’t happen very often and this one is a testament to a town, a county and a people as well as thousands of actors, technicians and crew who made this Theatre the place to be for 87 years of Outer Banks evenings. We are excited to be able to celebrate this occasion.” – Chuck Still, Executive Director.

Virginia Dare Night Baby Auditions

The 87th Anniversary Season of The Lost Colony commemorates the 437thbirthday of Virginia Dare, the first English child born in the New World to colonist Eleanor Dare on August 18th, 1587. The Lost Colony continues its long-celebrated tradition of using real babies during the performance on Virginia Dare’s birthday. As The Lost Colony is closed on Sundays, the Virginia Dare Night Celebration in 2024 will take place on Saturday, August 17th, 2024.

Being a “Virginia Dare Baby” is a coveted role in the community that many local citizens have had the opportunity of being a part of. For Virginia Dare Night only, the prop baby swaddled in blankets, is replaced with these special guests. Virginia Dare Night is generously sponsored by First National Bank.

To be considered for the honor of appearing on stage, all babies must attend an audition meeting on Saturday, July 27th at 9:30 AM in The Lost Colony Admin Building located beside the Elizabethan Gardens within Fort Raleigh National Historic Site.  The address for The Lost Colony admin building is 1409 National Park Drive, Manteo, NC 27949. 

The casting is open to all cheerful boys and girls that are 15 pounds or less. All Virginia Dare babies must be available for several hours on the evening of August 17th for pre-show preparation and for The Lost Colony performance. All selected Virginia Dare babies will be introduced from the stage prior to the performance at 8:30 PM.

For more information, contact Matt Gabbard, 252-473-2127 or

2024 Photo Contest

The 2024 The Lost Colony Photo Contest is now open! Submit your best memories from your visit to Fort Raleigh and Waterside Theatre for your chance to win The Lost Colony swag bag containing The Lost Colony merchandise!

2024 The Lost Colony Photo Contest Details:

July 3rd-August 31st, 2024
Submissions can be emailed to:

All submissions agree to have their photos used in future marketing.