Roanoke Island Historical Association (RIHA) is proud to announce the 82nd Season of The Lost Colony opens to the public May 31st, 2019. The 2019 season, presented by PNC, is under the direction of Ira David Wood, III who is returning for his seventh season as Director. The 2019 cast and crew will perform a special Preview Night performance on Thursday, May 30th. Tickets for Preview Night, and all other performances, are available now at

Returning members of the 82nd Company include: Tony award winning Production Designer William Ivey Long, Robert Midgette as Fight Director, Joshua Allen as Lighting Designer, McCrae Hardy as Music Director and Pam Atha as Choreographer.

The Lost Colony continues several traditions in 2019 including its “Dare Nights” performances for the residents of Dare County on June 7, 14, and 21st. Dare County residents are encouraged to attend the performance – while continuing to help the Outer Banks food pantries. Admission to the Dare Night performances is free for Dare County residents who attend and bring at least two can goods or two dry goods as a donation for the Outer Banks food pantries.

For 2019, other RIHA productions include: children’s show, Wanda’s Monster, as well as Royal Tea – a meet-and-greet with the Queen herself.

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