The Roanoke Island Historical Association (RIHA), the non-profit that produces The Lost Colony outdoor historic drama, is proud to announce that it has been awarded one of seven inaugural grants from the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC) to professional theatres across the United States. The grants were made available to provide resources and funding that will assist professional theatres with hiring, staffing and networking opportunities. SETC is the strongest and broadest network of theatre practitioners in the U.S. and provides extensive resources and year-round opportunities for its constituents. Their services and publications contribute significantly to the careers of emerging artists, seasoned professionals, and academicians. RIHA is a longtime member and supporter of SETC which was established in 1948.

RIHA has been awarded a Staffing Development Matching Grant for $2,000 from SETC. The grant will help fund a Theatre Arts Camp/Education Outreach Program Coordinator, a new staffing position for The Lost Colony production. This position will work with Lance Culpepper, Associate Producer, to enhance our summer Theatre Arts Camps for Youth and to launch a new fall outreach program, Mystery of the Lost Colony. Culpepper states, “The Lost Colony is thrilled to begin the search for a theatre educator to join the team for summer 2018. Having an educator on staff will allow us to further develop and enrich our theatre arts camps, Mystery of The Lost Colony Tour, and Ghosts of the Lost Colony experience.”

The Roanoke Island Historical Association is very excited about this new opportunity.  We are very grateful to SETC for this grant which offers creative resources and funding that will assist with our programming goals.